Forest Fortress
For this project I chose to concentrate on a simple woodcut print of the cross section of an Oak tree, which was cut down by my dad – a Cumbrian farmer. The embossed words are a direct quote from the Woodland Trust’s website. While reading around the subject of “at risk” species it’s hard not to become disheartened – the statistics for the UK are particularly terrifying and I wanted to show the impact that the demise of one key species – like the mighty Oak – can have on others.
Trees are particularly pertinent to me as due to disease (mainly Ash dieback) many of them on the family farm are now in decline. Through the Woodland Trust and the Forestry Commission, my dad’s response is to plant 2700 new trees, many more than are there already. It’s his way of aiming to do something positive for the environment in the face of such adversity; attempting to take control in an uncontrollable situation; and ultimately trying to ensure there’ll still be trees and connected wildlife for the next few generations to enjoy.