Autumnal Glow
These colours, shapes and textures are a response to the exciting immersive experience I had last November when a late afternoon break from the rain and wind revealed this scene in my garden. The sky was a gorgeous mixture of golden rays from the sun and dark grey rain clouds but it was the rich ruby red glow from the acers which caught my attention and made me hold my breath in wonder. It’s leaves looked like tiny red fingers of myriads of little hands.
Artist Gallery
Barbara Kennard
I studied Fine Art at Goldsmiths Art College and Teacher Training, New Cross, London and have since studied printmaking at Sunderland University. I have achieved a degree in Fine Art and Women’s Studies and have been a practicing member of Northern Print for 30+ years.
Ever since I was a small child I have loved the colours and shape patterns of flowers and leaves and noticed how giving my mother or auntie a little posy of buttercups or daisies plucked from the hedgerow would give them great pleasure. I realised that this forthcoming exhibition would give me the push I needed to explore and communicate these feelings through my print-making.
Walking around our cold wet windy garden in November I suddenly noticed the glowing red leaves of the Japanese Acers. My heart leapt with joy. Their leaves, small and pointed like tiny fingers on little hands were mesmerising. I took some photos to remind me of their rich red colour and shape and then checked the screen. For the first time I saw the golden rays of the evening sun lighting up the whole sky and beaming down on us.It made me feel truly blessed and at one with nature.